
How Many Images Can I Register Copyright

To receive total legal protection for your graphic blueprint, it must be registered as a copyright.

As a creative, you may not retrieve near copyrighting a graphic pattern—but to receive legal protection, it might be a adept thought to consider how to register your work.

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Eligibility for Copyright Protection

To exist eligible for copyright protection, "a graphic blueprint must exist an original work of authorship, independently created by a human being author, and possessing at least some minimal degree of creativity," says Joseph Mandour, a Los Angeles-based intellectual property attorney.

For virtually artists, copyright protection begins the moment "the author writes her poem on a slice of newspaper, a songwriter pens his or her music in lyric form, or in the example of graphic design, when the designer creates a logo in Illustrator or Photoshop or other electronic course," says Flavia Campbell, a Phoenix-based intellectual property attorney. Protection begins equally before long as the work is fixed in tangible form.

Requirements for Copyright Protection

According to Campbell, to receive copyright protection, a graphic design must be:

  • An original work of authorship
  • Fixed in tangible form

"Original" is defined equally having a minimal degree of inventiveness. "Information technology is a depression standard and it is sufficient for the work to have just a spark of creativity," Campbell says. "Work that does non meet the minimum degree of creativity does non merit copyright protection."

For example, a elementary heart shape without whatever embellishments may not be original or creative enough to receive copyright protection.

Fixation is "satisfied when the work is put in the medium in which it tin can exist perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated," Campbell says. Information technology tin can be fixed on a physical object like newspaper, a sign, or an article of vesture, or in a digital medium.

"Graphic designs would be protected every bit a piece of work of visual arts, which include two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of fine, graphic, and applied art," she says.

Rights Protected With a Copyright Registration

A graphic design is afforded several rights as a upshot of copyright registration. The owner or a person authorized past the owner can reproduce the work via copies; prepare derivative works; distribute copies to the public by sale, lease, or rental; and display or perform the work publicly.

Copyright Ownership

In general, the copyright belongs to the owner of the graphic design. One key exception is "works made for hire." Campbell explains that "a work fabricated for rent is one either prepared by an employee within the telescopic of employment or specially ordered or deputed for use as a contribution to a collective piece of work, such equally part of a motion moving-picture show or other audiovisual piece of work, translation, supplementary work, compilation, instructional text, exam, answer cloth for a test, or atlas, if the parties expressly agree in writing."

Campbell illustrates how this works through an example. "A customer hires a web designer to create a website. Even though the piece of work was 'commissioned,' a website likely does not qualify equally a work fabricated for hire, and therefore, absent a certificate expressly stating that the client will own the copyright for the website, the default rule is that the copyright remains with the author, i.e., the web designer," she says.

Advantages of Registering a Graphic Design

Fifty-fifty though copyright registration is not required for a copyright to exist, it is recommended for a number of reasons, including:

  • Registration provides a certificate issued by the U.S. Copyright Part and creates a public record of the copyright in the work.
  • If the copyright owner wants to bring an action for copyright infringement, registration is required.
  • In a copyright infringement activity, if the piece of work is registered, the person suing is eligible for an accolade of damages, chaser fees, and costs. The piece of work must exist registered before infringement action or within three months after publication of the work.
  • Registration permits a copyright possessor to tape their copyright with the U.Southward. Customs and Border Protection.

Registration Procedure and Copyright Fees

The registration procedure includes filing an application form with the U.South. Copyright Part, with different forms based on the type of the work, such as literary works, visual works, or sound recordings. You and so deposit copies of the piece of work being registered. The format of the deposit varies depending on the type of work. Finally, you submit payment of the copyright fees.


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